Exciting News! District 15 Chromebook 1:1 Integration Coming 2017-2018! Are You Ready?

Technology represents a powerful and motivating tool that educators can use to teach, model, and reinforce today's essential skills to students.  As a result, Community Consolidated School District 15 will issue a Chromebook to all students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades beginning in the fall of 2017-2018 according to their website.

Students will be able to use their individual, district-issued, Chromebooks to access Google Apps for Education which are free learning tools that foster collaboration, exploration, and content creation.

See how school district CCSD15 is preparing to meet this challenge.

Also, if you are an educator and need additional resources, please check out my Google Classroom page where you will find additional helpful resources I've pulled together to help make the transition a bit easier, or you can access this Google Hyperdoc to see the same information.

And as always, if you have any questions feel free to contact me. I'll be glad to help!

Let's do tech together!

Angi Valentine


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