A Note to Parents about the MoMo Challenge

So there's a lot of concern about the MoMo Challenge (this online monster meme & videos that tries to encourage kids to commit suicide) and some even think it's a hoax. My two cents on the subject - don't take these things for granted. Whether it's a hoax or not, we need to pay attention. And as parents, we're just going to have the bite the bullet and learn enough about technology so that we can stay involved with what our kids are being exposed to online and then have real-time, continual conversations with them about it. None of these apps, program, blocking software or restriction settings are fool-proof in keeping our kids safe. As challenging as it is, we have to stay a step ahead of this technology game when it comes to our kids. We have to do the work for the sake of our kids. And if you need help, don't be ashamed to ask someone. Here's one resource that may help: 

The essence of the "hoax" discussion is that some believe there is no "real" MoMo character/person out there causing all this havoc. The image is of a real Japanese sculpture (if you want to see reference) that, although frightening in itself, had nothing to do with "MoMo" and the challenge. However, there are some people out there using the image to scare children online and have edited various kid's videos to include this image and suggestions to harm themselves. THAT'S the part that IS real and not a hoax - the fact that kids are seeing this image and suggestions and are not able to shrug it off as a hoax because they don't know any better. That's the real danger and why we need to keep watch and keep the lines of communication open with our kids.


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