Congratulations to Our 2019 Doodle4Google Contestants

I made the clarion call and these brave kids answered! We're so proud of these superstar students who rose the occasion and entered the 2019 Doodle for Google contest.

The students had to create and submit their entries to Google by March 19, 2019. The entries will be reviewed to select state winners who will then move on to the national round.  The final winner will receive a $30,000 college scholarship, a $50,000 tech package for their school or non-profit organization, and their artwork will be displayed for a day on! Wow!

How did we do it as these kids are in three different states (Illinois, North Carolina and Tennessee)? I asked their parents if they would let them join me on a Google Hangout on Tuesday nights for about 30 minutes.  We met online for a few weeks, going through the process of creating and then submitting the entries online with the help of their parents.  The students really enjoyed connecting online each week and getting to see each other's entries from draft to final form.  

The reward for me was seeing how much fun the kids were having while they were learning to use technology for positive reasons.  In addition, I'm glad that they were able to experience learning online, despite the distance between us, and collaborating together, sharing ideas and using their creativity as they completed the project from start (concept) to finish (final drawings and contest entry). 

The kids have agreed they want to continue to meet online.  Our next subject will be an introduction to Computer Science and coding.  We can't wait to see where our future tech adventures will take us next!

If you know of any kids who would like to join me and my 10 year old son online, let us know!  There's always room for more and we love learning together.

Just go here to complete an interest form and I'll get back with you with further details on how to join us.  

Let's do tech together!

Angela Valentine
Google Certified Trainer
Mom of a Future Coder


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