Back to School Already?

Oh my goodness!  Can you believe we're in August??? The summer is virtually over.  Time to buy school supplies for my 3rd grader (geez, this is going much too fast!) and to think about Fall activities.  And did I see someone counting down to Christmas on Facebook already???  Geez!

Well, to make the transition back to the classroom easier, make sure you are up-to-date with all the of the recent changes to make teaching easy.  There are 10 new updates to Google Classroom and Google Forms to help you stay organized and save time.  

Some of the new features include:
1) Reorder classes from the homepage
2) View all of your student's work on a single page
3) Use decimal grades for partial points
4) Display the class code in full-screen
5) Transfer ownership to other teachers
6) Launch/switch apps from the classroom page
...and more

It's going to be an excited year!

I'd love to help you implement technology in your classrooms. Let's do tech together!

Angi Valentine


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