The Final Step!

WOW!  What a journey this has been!

I am excited to announce that I finally completed all the requirements to apply to become a Google Certified Trainer!  This is big BIG deal for me.

I've been talking about becoming certified for over a year now.  Although I've been working with G Suite on the business side since 2007, I did not know about the Google for Education and Google for NonProfits programs until recently.  Once I started looking into what these programs had to offer, I realized what a great tool this would be for so many who don't even know these tools exist.  I wanted to help spread this knowledge and offer my expertise in any way possible, while building my personal knowledge and skills of the applications as well.  One day during one of my volunteer visits at my son's school, I casually asked the Principal if they used G Suite for Education and when she said yes it was music to my ears!  This set me on the journey to become a Google Certified Educator and Trainer.

I researched the requirements and realized this was not going to be a cakewalk.  I started and stopped, started and stopped again.  The study materials for the exams was extensive and life would often get in the way.  However, I really loved this work and I was determined to master the material. Thinking about my son and the impact technology is having on kids today - often in a negative way - motivated me to join the ranks of the many change agents who want to see technology used for good and positive ways.  I want to use technology to help develop tomorrow's leaders and innovators.

With this as my motivation, along with the fun of teaching the materials every chance I got (to individuals, business owners, nonprofit organizations, at conferences, and by volunteering at school) I was able to find the wherewithal to complete the study units and take the exams. I am thankful that I was able to pass the Trainer Skills Assessment, Certified Educator Level 1 and Certified Educator Level 2 exams on the first try!  I wanted to faint!

Having these certificates in hand, the last step was to gather my training materials (visit my new Google Site: to demonstrate my experience, and to create a 3 minute application video.  I pushed through and was able to have everything submitted by the June 7, 2017 deadline.  Whew!

I am so thankful for Mrs. Jenny Macko, the Principal at Central Road Elementary school, who was so gracious to allow me to come in and meet with her to discuss strategies to help the teachers use G Suite for Education more effectively.

I would also like to say a special thank you to Mrs. Lisa Miskovetz, my son's 2nd grade teacher, who allowed me to come in and do a few Chromebook sessions with the class.  I love seeing the light in the students' eyes when they are learning something new and having fun in the process.  This makes it all worthwhile for me.

I am eternally grateful for this journey... and we've only just begun!

Angela Valentine


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