Ok, What Just Happened to My YouTube?

Sooooo.... I see that Google has been tinkering around with YouTube.  Did you notice? Everything looks different.  I feel a little disoriented.  I'm not how I feel about the changes just yet.  

Apparently they've decided after 12 years to finally update YouTube's look and functionality.  They've redesigned the desktop AND mobile versions.  

According to Heavy.com,

"The desktop version also gets the added feature of a dark theme. The mobile version made the header white and moved the navigation tabs to the bottom so they’re closer to the thumbs as well as adding Library and Account tabs. The ability to speed up or slow down a video’s playback was also added to mobile as well as the ability to view a row of suggested videos while watching in full screen. Probably the most drastic change is the new logo, which takes the play button icon from the “tube” part of YouTube and places it in the front of the word."

And Google says they're not done yet.  Here's a list of some of the features of the mobile app:
  • Clean new design: We’ve made the header white to let content take the lead and moved the navigation tabs to the bottom of the app so they’re closer to your thumbs.
  • Videos that move with you: One of the things we’re working on is bringing gestures to YouTube. Earlier this year, we introduced a gesture that allows you to double tap on the left or right side of a video to fast forward or rewind 10 seconds. Give it a try! We already see billions of double taps per day. And I wanted to give you a sneak peek at another gesture I am really excited about. In the coming months, we'll experiment with a feature that lets you jump between videos with a simple swipe of your hand: just swipe left to watch a previous video or swipe right to watch the next one.
  • Watch at your own pace: Users love that they are able to speed up and slow down the playback of a video on desktop, and we're excited to bring this feature to the mobile app today, so you can enjoy videos at whatever speed you prefer.
  • Adapt to any video, beautifully: We've also been experimenting with new ways to display all videos in the best possible way. Soon, the YouTube player will seamlessly change shape to match the video format you’re watching, such as vertical, square or horizontal. That means you’ll always get the best viewing experience automatically – including vertical videos with no black bars on the sides!
  • Browse and discover while you watch: We recently added a feature that lets you view a row of suggested videos while you’re watching in full screen. We're also working on transforming the area below the player so you can browse videos in totally new ways.
The one thing that I've found so far that I DO like is the accessibility to more options in the settings menu:

We should get use to the fact that change is inevitable with technology. But isn't it funny how frustrated we get with the changes at first and then we move on.  (However, you can revert back to the old version of YouTube, but when I did, it still seemed to carried over some of the new features, so what's the point?) The lesson is, I guess we should give it a chance and let's just grow into the changes as they are released.  

Change is the new norm.  We better get use to it.  :-)


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